

Now is the time to go solar. It’s a greener, cleaner, cheaper source of energy and is good for you, your budget and the environment. Most importantly, there is an incredible solar rebate incentive available for your home or business you can take advantage of. Visit Energy Incentives for more.
At Alkira Energy we have significant expertise in the design and installation of residential and commercial solar projects. We will take the time to discuss, review, analyse and design the most suitable and cost-effective solution for you.
We source and install industry proven products from trusted product partners to ensure your system is built to the highest quality and standards.
If you are looking at buying now and paying later, we can also provide Green Loan options from reputable and regulated finance providers.

Electrical design, installation, optimisation and efficiency
Small and large-scale design and installation
Battery Storage
Battery storage and back-up solutions
EV Charging
Charging design and installation

For many it has come to mean ‘a happy place in the sun’.
Energy help you?
Adelaide, South Australia